Evette and Evette & Schaeffer IdentificationFor anyone searching serial number lists.First, you have to identify the model of clarinet. Is it an “Evette”, or an “Evette-Schaeffer”, or a true “Buffet”. Around 1978 the Evette and E&S models were dropped for the name change to B12, E11, etc.Then you have to identify the location of manufacturing.Evette – If it is made in Germany then it is a Shreiber madeclarinet. And these serial number lists have no correlation to Buffet.You have to call Shreiber. If it is made in France then it may be onthe list below. If it is made in France with a letter prefix (such as “A”,“B”, “C”, “D”, “E”) then it is made by Malerne.Evette-Schaeffer – if it is made in France with a letter prefix(such as “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”) then it is made by Malerne. Their serialnumbers have no correlation to Buffets.
If it is made in France thenit may be on the list below.Buffet Crampon ClarinetsNOTE: The K series Evette-Schaefferclarinets are well known. But BUFFET has another K series serial numberand that is with the Buffet Limite (with silver plated keywork) clarinets.These have the Buffet emblem on them versus an Evette-Schaeffer emblem and isnot related to this list.Evette-SchaefferNew factory(ish) serial number listWho made the earlier Evette and E&S clarinets?Many of the earlier Evette and E&S clarinets were made by Malerne.
They are recognizeable by the keywork, compare them to the Marlene pagehere.So with Evette and Evette & Schaeffer that basically means the A, B, Dand E series are Malerne made, which ironically coincides with Malernesserial number conventions. Unless they are stamped “Made in Germany”and those were Schreiber made.Buffet made K41xx is based on a pre-R13 Buffet.
Looks like one viathe keywork and matches the R13 keywork introduction. Remember, Buffetdid not introduce the separate throat keys posts until 1955ish. Thisis the same with the E&S / Evette model line if it was made by Buffet.This is obviously a Buffet professional model just with theadded Modele Evette & Schaeffer stamp added on(pictures from eBay, April 2013)Malerne made Evette & Scheffer B30xx – notice the small barrel trill key guide (Malernelike) and this is an early non-adjusting screw model with shared post (Malerne& Buffet like). Also notice the top key of the lower joint ring keys,the top pad cup arm bends upwards – aka Malerne’s!!Malerne made Evette, sn E1198As an example, here is a higher quality Malerne stenciled Ledoux clarinetsn D3693E-S information provided by Rich Holmes “Plastic Evette became the B12. Wooden Evette became the E11. Evette Master Model became the E12.
Evette & Schaeffer became the E13. Evette and Schaeffer Master Model is supposedly an R13 with cosmetic flaws (this oneis debateable as Buffet won`t give much info on this – some say it is anacceptional sounding E13 – either way it`s a good clarinet)” Evette-Schaeffer Master ModelFrom other discussion it appears the story about cosmetically flawed R13sbeing sold as E&S Master Models is incorrect — and that cosmetically flawed R13shave been sold as Buffet Academy models.Other recommendations include that some Master Models are R-13 (as are OldsOpera’s).
But during what part of the R13 process were they declared notfit for R13s? This could occur any time in the R13 process.Therefore, theoretically a Master Model could be from the same wood selectiononly of an R13 all the way to the end of production after some visual flaws arefound.
So, theoretically, a Master Model could be an R13 in all waysexcept for a few visual flaws OR could only be from the wood selection of anR13, and all other things potentially different.Evette-Schaeffer Master Models range from K5000 to K11000 which correspondsto 1953 to approx 1961. These can be considered the best as they alsocorrespond to the R-13 introduction.1960 Buffet Brochure about the E&S Master Model: “Instruments that embodyconsiderable hand craftsmanship, as do all the Buffet products, will varyslightly from instrument to instrument. Those Evette & Schaeffer clarinets thatsurpass the superb quality characteristic of al E&S instruments, are set asideto comprise the ME-13 Master Model Evette & Schaeffer clarinets.” The 1968price list for an “E&S E13” clarinet is $250 and for the E&S Master Model ME-13is $299. The E13 would finally get a Buffet logo in the 1980sThe words “Master Model” may be above or below the logo; Upperand/or lower joint and/or bellEvette Master ModelThe words “Master Model” may be above or below the logoNo letters SerialDateSourceMarkingsCase and notes2027eBay 9/06On bell and top joint: “Evette & Schaeffer” / “Paris” /“France” in oval. “Modele Buffet-Crampon” below oval.Rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, w/ lift clasps,holding barrel separate (maybe room for 2nd barrel or reed case), rearcompartment.56xxeBay 9/06Modele Buffet-Crampon.Rounded rectangular case, black w/ blue lining, w/ liftclasps, holding barrel separate, L side compartment.A series Serial Date Source Markings Case and notesA series 'early-mid thirties based on its keywork' 1??A1568 1930s?
editB seriesSerial Date Source Markings Case and notesB series 'From what I've read (and the dating of older E&S clarinets is difficult) I think the B series is from the 1940's or early 1950's (?).' 3 - -B388? 4 'The Evette-Schaeffer name is inside the upper arc of an engraved oval, with Paris in the center and France on the bottom of the oval. Underneath the oval is Modele Buffet-Crampon.'
Colored a rusted brown and has rounded edges with the metal stamp of Buffet on it. It has two locking button latches. The inside of the case is a burgundy colored velvet with an area at the back of the case that holds extras such as the swab, lyre, etc.
(Just one long open area across the back). There is also one small section that measures about 1x2 inches where the reed case goes. 'B1074 1930s-1940s Germany. 6 'the bell of my instrument says, 'Made in France'.' EBay 9/06 On bell: 'Evette / Schaeffer' punctuation unclear / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet-Crampon' below oval. Rounded rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, holding barrel separate (maybe room for 2nd barrel or reed case), rear compartment.B1497 1950s? 9 Eveette&Schaeffer, Paris, France.
Modele Buffet-Cranpon.?B29xx? EBay 9/06??B4477 1952 (June 1952 per B&H) 10??B5604? EBay 9/06??B6816? EBay 9/06??B7129?
EBay 9/06 On barrel: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval. 'Made in France' above oval.
'Modele Buffet-Crampon' below oval. Rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, w/ lift?
Clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.B7382? 11 'Modele Buffet Crampon Made in France' Velvet lined-orange/brown Leather CaseB7899 pre 1956 (sold on 8 Aug 1956) eBay 9/06? Rounded rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, w/ spring clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.B8193? 12 Modele Buffet-Crampon.? D Series D33xxx - 1973 K series Serial Date Source Markings Case and notesK series 'The last series was the K-series. It began around 1953 according to the Boosey & Hawkes web site.' 13 -'Buffet started making K series around 1930 and continued until they became E-13.'
14 - -K81 1941. eBay 9/06 'The trade mark says below the Evette & Schaeffer 'modele buffet-crampon'. Bell end case, black w/ red lining, w/ button slide clasps and center lock, holding barrel on top joint, round cork grease RR, reed case LC.K179 1930? 15??K4xx 1942 'The seller had an apparent sales receipt for the instrument dated 1942.' I suspect this is actually K512, see belowK512 1943 'There was a bill of sale with the instrument dated early 1943 that appeared to belong to the instrument.' EBay 9/06 'All 5 pieces are marked with 'Evette & Schaeffer Paris France Modele Buffet-Crampton'.'
Bell end case, black w/ purple lining, w/ spring clasps.K23xx? 18 'Evette & Schaeffer Paris, France Modele Buffet Crampon Made in France'?K24xx 'This was my clarinet that was purchased new for me. I think it was purchased about 1954.' Holmes (eBay 8/06) On all parts: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet-Crampon' below oval, 'Made in France' well below oval.
Bell end case, black w/ purple lining, w/ spring clasps, holding barrel separate, room for reed case (probably), flat cork grease RR.K4000 1952 - according to B&H site in 2002 - earliest K series serial number available from that site 19??A K4xxx on purchased eBay had identical keywork to a 1955 R-13.K5077 1953 'The Buffet site lists K5077 as built in 1953' 20 Master Model?K55xx 1960s eBay 9/06 On bell: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet-Crampon' / 'Made in France' / 'Master-Model' below oval. No case.K6285? EBay 9/06 On top joint: oval (unclear), 'Made in France' / 'Master-Model' below oval.
Brown lining, holding barrel separate, front and side compartments.K67xx? EBay 9/06 Master Model?K7631?
21 Evette & Schaeffer, 'Master Model' above oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval.?K8222 'I've seen a questionably source that said s/n K8222 sold new in 1958.' EBay 9/06 'Master Model' above oval, 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval. Rectangular case, black w/ blue lining, w/ spring clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.K10452? EBay 9/06 On all pieces: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval. Rounded rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, holding barrel separate, reed case, rear compartment.K10511? 23 Master Model?K10593? 24 not Master Model?K124xx?
EBay 9/06 Modele Buffet-Crampon. Rounded rectangular case, brown w/ brown lining, holding barrel separate (maybe room for 2nd barrel or reed case), rear compartment.K135xx? 25 not Master Model?K15901? EBay 9/06 On bottom joint: 'Master Model' above oval,? 'The instrument has the factory markings Buffet Crampone & Co Paris and Evette & Schaeffer along with the words Master Model on both large pieces of the clarinets body.' ?K 26??K18xxx 1968 27 Master Model?K187xx? EBay 4/06 (L.
Peters) not Master Model Black rounded? 28 Master Model?K230xx pre 1976 'I have owned this clarinet for over 30 years' (in 2006) eBay 9/06 (& seller response to question) 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval. Rectangular case, black w/ blue lining, w/ spring clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.K23367? EBay 9/06 On top joint: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval. Rounded rectangular case, black w/ blue lining, w/ spring clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.K28717?
EBay 9/06 'ALL PIECES ARE STAMPED MADE BY BUFFET EVETTE &SCHAEFFER' Rectangular case, black w/ black lining, w/ lift clasps, holding barrel separate, side compartment.K31536? Rectangular case, black?
Buffet Crampon
W/ red lining, lift clasps, L side compartment.K33487 1975 31??K351xx 1960s eBay 9/06 On barrel: Lyre above oval, 'Buffet' / 'Crampon & Cie' / 'A Paris' in oval, script 'R'? / 'Made in France' below oval. On top joint and bell: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval. Rectangular case, black w/ blue lining, w/ lift clasps, holding barrel separate, room for 2nd barrel or reed case, rear compartment.K35339 around 1976 (from s/n) eBay 9/06? Rectangular case, brown leather with red/pink lining, turn clasps on side, holding barrel separate, L and F compartments.K (from s/n) eBay 9/06 On barrel: 'Evette & Schaeffer' / 'Paris' / 'France' in oval, 'Modele Buffet Crampon' below oval.?K444xx? EBay 9/06 Made by Buffet-Crampon.K 32??.
Recent Buffet R13 Clarinet Serial Numbers
Note that Buffet serial number list shows no Buffet production 1940-1944 - it seems particularly improbable that Buffet would have built clarinets in Germany in the '1930s-1940s'.Retrieved from 'http://editthis.info/clarinetwiki/EvetteandSchaefferserialnumbers'.