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Windows 10 Volume Too Low


Aug 25, 2014  Bought a Gateway laptop ne series Windows 8 and I have the volume at max settings and can barely hear anything except Windows sounds. Volume too low - but all settings are maxed. Thread starter Lisa Koch-Rocheleau. I know this is a year old but this helped me with my low volume problem. Just wanted to say thank you, you're a life saver.

Windows 10 Microphone Volume Too Low

After some recent upgrade to Windows 10, I've found that the headphone volume is way too low for me. I'm using Microsoft LX-3000 headsets, and have always really liked them.So I was really puzzled what makes the volume so low.The thing that's made the biggest difference for me is to enable loudness equalization in the properties of the device. For those that aren't sure how to do that, here's a quick set of screen shots:First we open sounds from the task bar by right-clicking the speaker icon:Then we go to the properties of the LX-3000:Finally, on the enhancements tab, enable the loudness equalization and OK.For me, this made a huge difference to the usability of the headphones. Hope it helps someone else too. Author Posted on Categories.

So I recently bought a Samson C01U Pro USB condenser microphone for audio recording and I am finding the volume extremely low. I know that I can change the levels in Windows Sound Panel 'Microphone Properties' but even if I set it to 100% (in windows) I still have to get extremely close to get a good recording.From reading on forums, other people are recording at 40% and getting good recordings. Also many forum posts mention that they had this problem on Windows 8 and above but not on Windows 7. Unforunately, I don't have a Win 7 machine to test it on.It came with no software and just got all of it's drivers from Windows Update so I can't really 'get the latest driver' from their website or something.I also thought it might be a power issue, but I even tried running it through an externally powered USB hub and same low noise result.Anyone have any clue why this would be or how to fix it? Sadly, upon reading on the matter, you are correct, Gesu and there also are seemingly no easy solutions.Also on reading about it, onit seemsMicrosoft knows of it.Has known of it since 2014 (applies to win 8, 8.1, 10)And has no solution to it. (even if it uses their own driver, they seemingly just refuse to reuse working driver from windows 7)Seemingly only workaround that work for sure seem to be:'Sell your USB Microphone. Buy an XLR version along with a cheap 40-60 dollar mixer to solve the issue.Or switch to Windows 7'The problem supposedly doesn't exist with usb mics that come with their OWN drivers.


(not the case with OP's mic which uses microsoft's). I originally got a powered external USB hub which solved My Samson C01U problem for a few years. Then something changed, and I suddenly lost the volume. I've been using the C01U for over five years on a Windows 7 laptop and struggled with the low volume problem. Recently I had to format and reinstall Windows - but that did not fix it for me.I just installed two pieces of software (Equalizer APO and the Peace GUI), and it solved my low volume problem!https /sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/https /sourceforge.net/projects/peace-equalizer-apo-extension/Today I posted a youtube video example.